Candy Canes
This is the structural template used to warp PVC pipe into a candy cane shape. By applying heat and guiding the PVC pipe along the nails, the pipe could be curved and once cooled, its shape was retained.
A foam pool noodle was slid over the PVC pipe to create a soft, rigid, and light prop that would be easy to lift and dance with. Layers of vinyl strips were added to create the stripes. 
Final Product
In-use during the show:

Photo by Dale Dong

Cut foam was spray painted red and gray to form the bases of the Etch-A-Sketches.
Picture frames, with glass and carboard removed, were spray-painted red and made the perfect rim for an Etch-A-Sketch. A piece of cellophane added the shiny screen look. Painted bottle caps were adhered to make knobs. The Etch-A-Sketch logo was applied with gold glitter glue. 
Final Product
In-use during the show:

Photo by Dale Dong

The Narwhal
It started short with an umbrella, a light stand, and some chicken wire. I wanted the horn to be huge, so I needed to make the body much bigger! 
This prop was my largest prop to date. The Narwhal started as an umbrella taped to a light stand with a giant cardboard tube and evolved from there. Chicken wire was manipulated to form the structure. Later, the light stand was swapped for PVC pipe, and the umbrella was swapped for hula hoops. Rope was glued along the horn of the narwhal for texture and shape.
Paper mache was applied over the chicken wire and horn to finalize the shape. Eyes were added (painted balls of foam.) The first layer of white paint on the body and a bone-color for the horn were then added.
Final Product
Shades of blue gave the body of the narwhal its completed look. 
In-use during rehearsal:
Wind Machine
The script called for a "wind machine", made by the child Michael. It had to appear non-functional until Buddy "fixed" it off-stage. 
A windmill was created using cardboard, hot glue and a plank of wood. 
A functional windmill with a motor inside was put together with the help of a resident electrician who wired the piece. 
A house and switch was added to the base. The house hid the battery pack for the motor, circuit board, and light bulb. When the switch was flipped, the wind mill would spin and the the light inside the house was illuminated. 
Final Product
Ribbons and bells were added to the blades of the windmill for extra pizazz and visibility during the show. A wreath was added to the door and smoke from the chimney when Buddy came back onstage with the "fixed" wind machine.
In-use during the show:

Photo by Dale Dong

Jingles the Jolly Christmas Puppy Book cover
Initial sketch of the new Jingles title to cover existing book title
I cut the letters out of vinyl to form the new header
Final Product:
The old title is covered, revealing only Jingles
In-use during the show:
Photocopies of the book were made to be used as "proofs" during an office segment of the show
The ornament I ordered that was placed inside the snowglobe. I glued the ornament to a "snowy" base and bought a red base for the globe.
In-use during the show
Microphone Flag Design
In-use during the show:
Tinsel-wrapped Jump-ropes
My team of assistants helped with the tedious task of wrapping and gluing tinsel to all the jump ropes!
In-use during the show:
"Chocolate Monster" (hot cocoa w/chocolate bar)
I started the "chocolate monster" with half of a Styrofoam ball that was glued into a painted mug. This was then covered with spackling that was squeezed out of a piping bag with a frosting tip. I shellacked a real chocolate bar and pressed it into the spackling. A final drizzle of chocolate syrup (using paint) finished the prop. (See my portfolio site homepage for a video!)
Final Product:
Glowing Ornaments with on-off button
The large globe ornaments were purchased with confetti inside them. We took it up a few notches and placed fairy lights inside each ornament and discreetly added an on-off switch to the top of each one.
Ayron, our lighting designer/electrician wiring the buttons to work in the ornaments
In-use during the show:
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